Asking is the beginning of receiving. (Jim Rohn)


For what your heart most truly desires.

Will you go out on a date with me?

Can I have a raise?How can I help?

Can I play too?

May I have some time alone, some space?

How can I afford this?

Do you love me?

Can I quit the gym/team/job?

Can I do this?

Sometimes we don’t ask for fear of the answer.

We spin up a story in our heads and stop (or delay) ourselves before we even begin.

What will they think?

What if I’m not enough?

What if he says no?

What if I look stupid?

What if I can’t do it?….And so asking becomes so much harder than it actually is.

Stop the story.  Don’t procrastinate.

ASK.   The answer may set you free.

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!