Yes ~ (verb) to give an affirmative reply to; give assent or approval to.
I recently listened to the book, “The Year of Yes”, by Shonda Rhimes. To be honest, I didn’t really want to read it. I figure that I say yes quite a bit, and don’t need any more. BUT, I wanted to see what all of the hype was about, and I’m glad I did. First off, she’s hilarious – I love it when the author actually reads for their audio book. And secondly, it was really good. You see, she not only says yes, but examines, and gets underneath, what she’s saying yes to.
It’s one thing to say yes to invitations to speak, or to parties, or a date. It’s another entirely to examine your habits – your life – and determine what you’re saying yes to. It’s got me thinking about my “yes”. What am I saying yes to???
In the book, one example that sticks out, is that she discovered she was saying yes to being fat. Which is all well and good if you’re happy with that. But if you are happy with it, own it. No more complaining , or self deprecation. Buy the expandable seatbelt for the plane and OWN it. Or, if that doesn’t work, say Yes to being healthy and begin to make change. It’s not going to be easy. You’re likely not going to love every step of the way, but in the end, it feels better and will be worth it.
The whole idea being: do less of what’s good for you, and more of what feels good.
This is a motto I can totally get behind.
And the yes doesn’t have to be huge. Start small.
If you say yes to happy hour, you’re saying no to your trip to the gym or that evening run around the lake. Saying yes to sleeping in, could mean skipping meditation and the morning walk with your dog. It might mean rushing through your morning, rather than ease in getting to work. And none of this is bad – but know what you’re saying yes to.
You have the choice.
With that in mind, what will you say yes to today?