Move With Intention

Move With Intention

Let Your Body Be The Guide

You move energy all day, every day.

 (whether you're aware of it or not)
AND, it's all connected.  How you move is connected to how you think, what you eat, how you work, how you sleep, and much, much more.

Would you like to be a little (or a lot) more authentic - truer to who you really are or want to be?

Many of us live life from the chin up, not recognizing the cues that the body is constantly giving.  Ignoring these cues can lead to pain, injury and often general "stuckness" in life.

You can learn to listen, and I would love to support your journey. Whether it's on the move or on the table, my work is devoted to the body. I believe that we are meant to move - in big and small ways. To challenge and push, as well as rest and breathe with intention. To feel into it.
Always, feel into it.

Your body tells a story - about what you think, what you feel, and what you believe.

Do you like the one you're telling?
Let's move - with intention.

What is your body telling you?

Train for Your Life ~ Health Coaching

Turn the focus back onto you! Gain energy, release excuses and say YES to expanding into your life.

Be Well, Your Way Community

Being healthy is a lot more
fun with other people.

Ground Yourself in Healthy Movement

Improve your form and reduce injuries  while creating your running or walking practice.

High Fives

Thank you SO MUCH for all your coaching. There will always be tweaks, and I'll want to check in now and then, but this feels like I'm no longer fighting myself when I run. You are a great teacher!


As I have coaching sessions with Beth, I discover, one by one, little pieces of my life working better.

It adds up to profound delight!


Beth brings her intense knowledge of the body and exercise to the mind. If you allow your mind to be open, Reiki is an amazing way to better understand your body and how you can enhance your life. Not only was it relaxing but it opened up my mind to ways that I can benefit my entire world. I would recommend this to anyone looking to increase their awareness of their mind and body.


Having just moved to Seattle, I was feeling unusual aches/pains while running up and down some of the steep hills in the area. These aches were indicative of something wrong with my running technique and so I decided to contact Beth to show me the ways of Chi running. Long story short, I learned more from one run with Beth than from a year’s worth of Runner’s World and countless hours watching youtube videos of people demonstrating Chi running techniques. Beth’s years of experience really showed through not just in her knowledge of anything to do with running but in the way she’s able to transfer that knowledge.


I have to say I’m very impressed. First, the training was great this morning and you did an excellent job of breaking down the concepts in a way that will allow me to work on them individually and then combine those into a healthier running style. I left there pretty damn pleased with my decision to meet with you. But taking the time to put together such thorough and thoughtful follow-up emails, that really takes it over the top. I really appreciate the additional advice and encouragement. Really nice. Thanks so much for doing this.


When I went to the clinic yesterday, I wasn’t feeling too well and was a little nervous since I thought it might be triggered by running. When I left, I felt better than I had for a week, this morning still feel great. Thought I would need to give up running, and now I know it’s obviously not the problem. It could be from drinking wine which is MUCH easier to give up than running. Thank god I went yesterday, had a great time, learned a lot, and felt I was running stronger than I had in years.


I went to Beth's clinic expecting to improve my running form but came away with so much more. Little did I know but my sitting, standing, walking, and breathing form also had potential for improvement 🙂 The added benefit I didn't expect is that focusing on my form has enabled me to become more present and less distracted in pretty much everything else I do.


Your Chirunning workshop was the remedy I needed for my malnourished mind and body. Step by step you taught and explained running techniques and concepts in a way that a novice runner like me can understand and use immediately to help build a foundation for a more efficient and healthier running lifestyle. 
Your personal attention to ensure we understood the movements and technical details were encouraging. I learned so much from your firm knowledge of all things running/fitness. You definitely taught this old dog some new tricks! It felt like I had my very own personal Coach. 
I left the workshop feeling 7ft tall inside my 5ft 5in frame. These Chirunning skills and techniques has given me the confidence to chase after my running goals and finish any distance strong and healthy. The video review/feedback on my running form and technique were some of the most valuable take aways for me. 
Your workshop was medicine to my running soul! On my way to becoming a “chi “SUPERSTAR” runner.


I have been thinking all day about the experience in the workshop today.  It was amazing and inspirational to me! I so appreciated your knowledge and your encouragement. Thank you for a life changing experience! I am doing the Bloomsday race in Spokane this coming weekend and I feel more confident in my ability to do it well!


Thanks Beth for the great class and helpful videos.
I'm re-inspired and excited to run. I did not have my usual left achilles/heel pain like I usually do after a run. You also gave me confidence to run down hill without fear of injuring my knee. I didn't think I could ever lean into the downhill anymore for fear of knee pain/injury. (I'm still mindful but not afraid). Also, inspired to do lots of double pigeon and lizard to open new doors, physically, and spiritually. Thanks for being really giving and present with me!

