Running is so much more…..

Running is so much more….….than legs swinging and arms pumping.….than heart rate rising and breath shortening.Running is so much more than exercise.Do you know this? Running is connection . Running is love.Running is freedom.…..if you allow it to be. What is running for you?

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You can always choose again.

Every day you make choices. Large and small ones.Sometimes, you overthink it or spend copious amounts of time identifying and researching the “right” choice.Sometimes, you make a decision on the fly. The best thing, is that you can always choose again.There is something in each and every decision, no matter what, that you can choose.YOU…

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Let It Go.

Fully Exhale.Drop those shoulders. Wiggle those toes.Relax.Let go of what you “should” do. What you “ought to do”. Of how this is supposed to go.Find YOUR rhythm. You’ll know it by how it feels.In fact, your body knows. Let it guide you.

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barometer [ buh–rom-i-ter ]noun~ Meteorology. any instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. {Compare aneroid barometer, mercury barometer.}~ anything that indicates changes Anything that indicates changes. This could be any sort of instrument – yes, for meteorology one that measures air pressure, but barometers measure change. What’s funny is we often think we need something outside of…

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