ChiRunning & Walking
Would you like to run or walk without injury or pain?
Interested in making it easier? Decreasing recovery time? Learn the Chi techniques to energize your movement.
Chi Running® and Chi Walking® techniques are based on the same principles and orientation as Yoga, Pilates, and T’ai Chi: shifting the work to core muscles and away from your legs; integrating mind and body; and focused on overall and long-term performance and well-being. Whether you’re injured, a beginner, a marathon runner, a triathlete, or someone who runs or walks to stay fit, Chi Running & Chi Walking have helped thousands improve their technique, reduce injury and achieve personal goals.

"I went to Beth's clinic expecting to improve my running form but came away with so much more. Little did I know but my sitting, standing, walking, and breathing form also had potential for improvement The added benefit I didn't expect is that focusing on my form has enabled me to become more present and less distracted in pretty much everything else I do."
- John
Individual & Small Group Instruction
Private 60-90 minute sessions to address current running form & practice chi techniques.
Follow-up appointments: Get a form check with video gait evaluation, deepen your practice and training support.
Private Sessions:
$100 for an initial 90 minute session:
$85 for subsequent one hour sessions:
Want to break up your learning and save some money? Purchase a package of private, individual sessions:
Have questions or want to set up an appointment right now? Email me and let’s do this!
Form Check
You’ve got a picture in your mind of how you run, walk and move. See it to be sure. Video evaluation is a very powerful tool to help you correlate what it “looks” like to what it “feels” like. And yet, the mere mention of video taping can cause dread to rise. There are not many people who actually delight in being taped AND it’s not that bad. A video session is a mere moment in time (not endless torture) and is hands down the best tool there is to improve running form and get to the bottom of any aches, pain or injuries.
No shower, make-up, or blown out hair required.
No matter what your movement practice, seeing the video can provide clues and help to make you more efficient and less prone to injury.
We’ll video tape you in motion – from each side, front and back. We’ll observe you running and/or walking, and then replay the video in slow and stop motion to get a good look at the basic mechanics of your movement.
Session can be done in person, or via video link.
Includes written analysis and recommendations for strategies to resolve any pain and improve your form.
Investment: $80
Interested in a running or walking workshop for you and some friends or co-workers? (Scheduling 4 hours): 3 people = $150 per person; 4 people = $140 per person; 5 people = $135 per person; 6 to 10 people = $125 per person
***If you get a group of 6 or more people together and a venue, your registration is FREE!
Email for more information and to schedule your group.
Come learn the basic components of the ChiRunning technique and move well for life! In the span of four hours, you will be guided through many exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning technique feels like in your body. We will not be doing lots of running (contrary to what you might imagine), so no matter what condition you’re in, have no fear. We will spend time alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises, and technique drills… the nature of the day will be relaxed, full, and inspiring.
Chi Running half day workshop: $150
Chi Walking half day workshop: $100
Find our more about workshops, or to purchase a workshop, go here.
Refresher Sessions and Tune Ups will allow you to deepen your practice and connect with other runners & walkers.
Chi Run or Chi Walk Checks: Come with questions and join me for a refresher designed to keep your practice fresh in your mind! I will answer your questions, guide you through body looseners, and take you on a guided run/walk. Cost is FREE.
Chi Tune Ups: Each Tune-Up session has a focus (arm swing, hills, hips & more!). We'll meet at a track or appropriate location, and deepen our chi practice together. The goal: Improve your form, with renewed body awareness, and get any questions you may have answered. These sessions are limited to 12 people.
Please check here for specific dates and locations.
For those of you interested in ChiRunning or Walking, check out:
The below videos are tools, tips and tricks I use in my own practice.
Please share.
Chi Running Body Looseners
Core Strengthening with Danny Dreyer ~ the bridge
Core Strengthening with Danny Dreyer ~ chair/ball
Core Strengthening with Danny Dreyer ~ butt walk
Flexibility for Runners by Phil Wharton (Three minutes)
Psoas Release to help relieve back pain, SI join and hip pain (4 minutes)
Stability for mobility. In my experience many injuries occur due to a lack of stability in an important area, which results in increased mobility in other areas. It is important to be stable in order to be mobile (in a strong, sustained way). This is true energetically, as well as physically.
In four hour long sessions we explore different focuses:
Session one: Building Awareness. How do you move through this world?
Session two: Foot/Ankle complex
Session three: HIPS!
Session four: thoracic spine, head and neck
Four areas of focus, and exploration of where you're strong, and where you can use a little bit of stability.
Investment: $300
Beth (Sachse) Cline running bio: I began running in 1997. Partially as a stress release, and if I’m being honest, to mend a broken heart. I ran outside, to feel better inside. I had run before then, but periodically, at midnight, as a study break ~ so I don’t count that. It was in 2000 that I decided to train for, and run my first marathon. A co-worker recommended that I start with a half, as the full is too hard. I pretty much took that as dare. Within the hour I signed up for the Seattle full (finished in 3:45). I’ve run countless shorter races and at the moment, twelve marathons (including Boston, twice) with a 3:16 best (NYC), a handful of 50k’s and a couple of multi-day running adventures. I’ve also dabbled in sprint and olympic distance triathlons but thus far, found the run to be my true love. Over the last few years, I’ve begun to run trails and ran in the Grand Canyon twice – once from the South Rim to the North, and then nine months later, from the North Rim to the South, and back. Running (and moving in general) is more than a passion. It permeates my life. It’s a direct line to my power, and my way to release stress and tension, and connect to my body. I fully intend to be that little 80-year-old woman running or walking on the beach. In the mean time, I’ll continue to experiment on trails, and likely be talked into running a few more adventures ~ just for fun!