100 more days

September 23rd, 2010.
As of today, there are exactly 100 more days in 2010.
Do you set goals or make resolutions each year?
If so, how are those coming along?
Have you looked at them since January 1st?
Even if you don’t set goals each year, you’ve got 100 more days to make the best of 2010.
Now is the time to decide how you’d like the remainder of the year to be.

100 more days. Make them magnificent.

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!