What are you looking forward to?

As we begin 2015, what are you looking forward to?
You may have set some resolutions or made some goals for the new year.
Or you may not.
No matter how you began January 1, the new year screams possibility.
Full disclosure: I love the new year and new goals or resolutions.  I love September, with the start of school.  I’m pretty much a sucker for new beginnings and continual growth.

And so I ask, what are you looking forward to in 2015?
Participating in a race?
Setting a PR?
Moving your body more?
(re)Connecting with friends?
The road trip?
A work project?
Building or creating something new?
What are you looking forward to?

It helps, with any journey, to have something on the horizon – something to move toward.
Sprinkle your year with movement.  Things to look forward to.
And if you’re so inclined, I’d love to know, share in the comments below.

Swim in possibility with a heart full of love.

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!