Breath Practice

How do you breathe?

When was the last time you paid attention to the breath?
If you're like most people, you might be stuck on autopilot - getting bounced around by your environment leaving you feeling wired yet tired, imbalanced, and frazzled. Breath Practice offers many of the same benefits as meditation, but it's easier to learn, can be practiced anywhere, and the results are very predictable. 

Every day, each of us takes approximately 20,000 breaths.

Doing so correctly can have profound effects, including:

  • reduce stress
  • boost digestion
  • balance your energy
  • improve sleep

When you arrived here, you intuitively knew how to breathe.  Over time that breath has likely shortened (think short, shallow breaths), and mostly happens through your mouth (instead of your nose). While we breathe continuously, there is a science to breathing correctly.

Let's take the time to reset, and balance your breathing.

Breath Practice is very accessible and you'll feel results right from our first session.

No experience is needed - I take a very simple, science-based approach that is effective for everyone.

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • Water Breathing – to balance your nerves, and steady your mood any time
  • Whiskey Breathing – to reduce stress and anxiety, and to sleep better
  • Coffee Breathing – to wake up, prepare for exercise, and naturally energize

Invest in four sessions (one month) of breath practice.  $150 ~ Each session is 50 minutes in length, via zoom.

Breathe in, Breathe Out: Spend One Month Intentionally Following Your Breath

Learn to utilize the power of pause that your breath buys, strengthen your diaphragm, lungs and heart, and relax
~ along with many other benefits. 

The details:

  • Four week on-line program.
  • You’ll receive three – five emails each week.  Some will be video, others audio, and some simply text.
  • Each will be loaded with oxygen information ~ breathing facts, different breath practices, and reminders.
  • The emails can be saved for future use and to supplement your breathing practice.
  • In addition, you’ll get four downloadable worksheets to practice and take your breathing deep, deep, deep.
  • PLUS, it all happens on-line, on your time.
  • Investment:  Absolutely free, because everyone ~ EVERYONE ~ can benefit from a healthy breath practice.

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