
This time of year, ask most 5 year olds (that celebrate Christmas) about Santa and their faces light up.
Chatter of reindeer, chimneys and a big man in a red suit carrying presents bubbles up.
You can see the belief and the magic shine in their eyes.
They don’t question the logic of it. They never stop to consider that perhaps they don’t
have a chimney.
Or how will all of those reindeer fit on the roof?
Or how is a fat man in a red suit going to fit in said chimney??
They don’t question. Details – schmetails. Santa’s coming and it’s awesome.

What if you had that kind of belief in yourself?
Not questioning the logic.
Not worrying about the details.
Undying belief.
As we move into 2011, carry some of that magical belief with you.

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!