I wrote this post on perspective about a year and a half ago.
I firmly believe that our perspective in life can color any situation.
How we choose to think directly affects how we act.
It’s important though, that I take a step back and honor all mothers. I had no idea…..
I survived year one and a half, with 2 babies….and a dog…
I will go on record though, and say that it has not been the easiest year-ish of my life – even if I wanted to think my way into it.
Motherhood is hands down the toughest job I’ve ever had.
It has forced allowed me to call deep on my courage.
on my integrity.
on my authenticity.
on my truth.
I have had to draw on wells of patience I never knew existed.
I’m learning new things every day – and my two greatest teachers are almost 3 and 1 1/2 (oh, and Bella, the jack russell terrier – who’s almost 5).
Motherhood is giving me the opportunity to live my way into being the best me I can be.
I know, I know- that sounds totally hokey and cheesy – and don’t get me wrong – I have my moments….but it’s the truth.
In any given situation I find myself asking – what do I want my kids to see?
I want my children to see a confident mother that walks her talk.
That owns her power.
That gives patience and love.
That makes mistakes and learns from them.
That laughs more than she shouts.
That runs through sunshine and rain.
Is full of gratitude and gives more life through living.
This is my intention – to show up and live the depth and width of life – perfectly imperfect.
What a journey it will be.
High five up top!!
Posted in Be Well