Why Moving Evolution? Top 5 Reasons to Join.

In a few short weeks the calendar will turn, and we’ll enter a new year.  This is typically a time when many people make resolutions or set goals for the year ahead.  Many of which won’t last more than a few months.  This year, consider something new.  Join us at Moving Evolution.  Here are the top five reasons why:

1)  Build a foundation.  Before you decide to go all out and enter 2013 with an intense plan to get in shape, or begin a(nother) diet – get to know your body first.  Learn how you move, breathe, eat and think.  Discover your patterns.  Make connections.  Build a solid foundation from which to jump, and then go and throw weight around or eat only grapefruit if you must.  But do it with intention.

2)  Reduce injury & illness.  Do you know how you move?  How you stand?  Walk?  Carry stress?  Breathe?  Eat?  or Think?  Most of us do these on auto-pilot, and haven’t thought about them since we originally learned.  It’s time to re-visit the basics.  Get in touch with your body.  Learn to identify and respond to the subtle cues for pain, stress, or tension.  Make corrections before injury or illness occurs.

3)  Gain energy.  You can do this by simply taking a deep breath.  Or eating food that actually fuels your body, rather than simply fills a hole.  Learn the difference, and what it feels like.

4)  Make change incrementally, and thus more successfully.  Most diets and exercise regimes are unsuccessful because you go from zero to 100 in five minutes.  Give up all sugar.  Run 10 miles tomorrow.  Be good.  Be fast.  Beat the clock.  Eat nothing but greens.  Who can do that?  Not me.  Make changes slowly, in small doses, and build it up.  You’ll get there – just not all in one go.

5)  Be more mindful.  Clear.  Alive.  Slow it down.  Pay attention.  Your body is constantly talking to you.  Are you listening?  It will guide you.  Let it.

Questions?  Let me know.  Launch is Friday, December 28th.  Don’t miss it!

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!