Courage. Break out your cape.

Courage (noun) the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. (without fear)Or perhaps it’s moving in spite of fear?

I love to feel powerful.  And I’m talking true POWER – like I’m plugged in and could do anything.  Run many, many miles, or write something truly awesome. Or conquer the world in one fell swoop.  Recently, I’ve been trying to cultivate the habit of feeling powerful.

What I’ve noticed is that it often comes as a result of having courage. 

And courage can come in big and small ways…

Making that phone call you’ve been avoiding.

Letting go of control and allowing.

Saying no, when you feel the pressure to say yes.

Going one more mile ~ when you’d rather go home.

Reaching out, in spite of the fear of rejection. Asking for a raise.Letting someone else take care of you.

Quitting.Starting, even though you’ve got no effing clue.

Having courage doesn’t mean not failing or not having fear.  In fact, often it is failing and finding out that the fear is so much smaller than imagined.

The worst possible imagined scenario is easy peasy, and so even that feels powerful!

What can you do today that might take a shot of courage?

Get out there and do it.  See what it feels like in your body, and do it some more.Break out your superhero cape if you need to.

Be unstoppable.

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beth cline

Health & Wellness Coach | Chi Running & Chi Walking Master Instructor | Energy Practitioner. Beth Cline works with her clients to create awareness in the body. Together we explore how you move through the day, both physically and energetically – from the breath, to the hips, to the core and feet. Beth is a Movement Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Check out these events and explore how you move today!